Monday 20 August 2012


So i've finally done it. After years of thinking about it, researching, reading other crafty blogs (thanks Jane Brocket and Lucy over at Attic 24!) and magazines - i've taken the plunge. Knit Stitch Sew will be my contribution to the vibrant crafting world here in the UK which is constantly building and growing in strength. As a PR of, ooh, around 12ish years now I am lucky enough to be involved in the blogging community for health and wellbeing, food and drink and social media in general so like to think i kind of know what i'm doing. And thats where it ends! My adventures in craft are very amateur! I have dreams of owning a beautiful shop where I sit behind the counter stitching and stock taking buttons and yarns all day long but whilst my daughter - lets call her Missy Moo - is about to start primary school and I have a great PR job, that has taken a backseat. Maybe one day? My Mum taught me and my sisters to knit back in the 80's. I loved it instantly but remember not understanding why I'd started out with 10 stitches and ended up with 15 on my needle. My Dad made us French Knitting tool which consisted of an old wooden cotton reel with four nails hammered into the top for spokes. We spent our summer holidays happily engrossed in arts and crafts. As we got older we forgot about craft for boys and make-up (who doesn't?) and I only re-discovered it once married and in my late 20's. Re-igniting my passion for knitting has opened up a whole new creative world for me. Textiles in all shapes and colours are my passion and i'll pretty much give anything a go.

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